Metamorphic Massage
9o min 140.- CHF
Metamorphic massage is therefore a technique that is linked to personal development.
9o min 140.- CHF
Metamorphic massage is therefore a technique that is linked to personal development.
Method of Violette Prud’hom .
The metamorphic massage is a gentle technique of liberation from physical and emotional blockages: the person receiving the massage is reconnected to their prenatal period to free themselves from possible blockages. It is therefore a technique that is linked to personal development.
A light massage on the reflex zone of the spine (therefore of the nervous system corresponding to the prenatal period) located on the feet, hands, and head (on a physical level and etheric level) triggers a transformation and a ‘letting-go’ which are not always easy to describe, but that you like and feel.
These three areas of the body (feet, hands, and head) symbolize fundamental aspects of the being. In reharmonizing them, the patient can regain their life force and self-healing: the feet (physical level) are related to our ability to move, they are the way we go through life; the hands (emotional level) are related to the action, to doing, to opening the heart, and to the release of emotional blockages, but also to giving and receiving; the head (spiritual level) is related to thought, consciousness, and old patterns that need to be released, it is our relationship with spirituality and the control of our life.
The metamorphic massage works on the present moment, here and now, in order to free the person who receives it from the burdens of the past. With this approach, there is neither expectation nor intention – and this is both on the professional’s side and on the patient’s side. The role of the therapist is that of a catalyst: he/she accompanies the person during the process and is an observer who allows the patient to reveal themselves. No diagnostics are performed since it is unnecessary to know the patient’s history.
This method is suitable for people who wish to evolve and free themselves from their old limiting patterns to make room for new possibilities, rediscover their creativity, resolve emotional conflicts, relieve physical pain, or simply unwind. The metamorphic massage is equally recommended for children suffering from concentration or sleep disturbance.